Growing up, I never had to visit any of the Maine Christmas tree farms to get the tree we would put up in my grandparent’s home. That’s because they lived in a rural corner or northwest York County and we could just walk into their woods to get our own tree. And cut down our own tree we did for many years.
Unfortunately, my grandparents are long gone, and the house where they raised my mother has new owners. So, if I wanted to cut my own Christmas tree, I would need to visit a farm.

Christmas tree farms in Southern Maine
Thankfully, there are still plenty of family farms in Southern Maine selling cut your own Christmas trees during the holiday season. In fact, you can preview one of them during Maine Maple Fall Fest. It’s Balsam Ridge in Raymond. But more about them in a bit.
According to the Maine Christmas Tree Association, there are dozens of choose and cut your own Christmas tree farms in York and Cumberland counties in Southern Maine.
The association also represents farms and retailers selling Christmas-related items, like natural wreaths and garland. However, this article focuses on tree farms that sell or let you cut down your own tree.
Where to choose and cut your own tree
Here is a roundup of Christmas tree farms in Southern Maine that let you go in and choose and cut your own tree for the holidays. I’ve tried to organize them by town, alphabetically.
Cape Elizabeth Christmas tree farm
Old Farm Christmas Place, 1148 Sawyer Road, 207-799-0096
Unlike many other Christmas tree farms in Southern Maine, Old Farm Christmas Place tends to open in mid-November for choosing and cutting your own balsam fir tree versus waiting until after Thanksgiving. They are open every day except Mondays plus Thanksgiving Day. Otherwise, hours are 9:30 am until 4 pm.
Given this earlier opening date, it also means they sell out of trees faster.
Last year, Old Farm Christmas Place sold out of Christmas trees by December 17th. In fact, this is how they described the last trees available:
“[D]own to less than a dozen very-wonky apartment sized trees, I’m afraid. Heavily discounted, but certainly not prime material by any means. If you can use a Charlie Brown this year, we might have something for you; if not, I’m afraid we’re all sold out.”
Dayton, Maine Christmas tree farm
Boiling Spring Tree Farm, 101 Smith Road, 207-499-7919
You have a small window of time to visit Boiling Spring Tree Farm in Dayton to cut your own tree, based on its hours from last year. At that time, they were open the weekend after Thanksgiving and the first weekend in December only, between 9 am and 4 pm. The farm grows balsam fir and Fraser fir trees.
Durham, Maine Christmas tree farm
Rice Tree Farm, 192 Bowie Hill Road, 207-212-3621
Every year, Rice Tree Farm opens for one week only for choosing and cutting Christmas trees. Typically, that is the first weekend in December.
The farm sells balsam fir trees.
Kennebunk/Kennebunkport Christmas tree farms
Adams Christmas Tree Farm, 110 North Street, 207-351-5973
When I was writing up my article on things to do in Kennebunkport, I never expect that choose and cut your own Christmas tree could have been included. But that’s exactly what you can do at the Adams Christmas Tree Farm.
Information about the farm’s days and hours are scarce right now. However, based on the past, you can visit the farm between 10 am and 2 pm to get a tree. They’ll provide the saws, sleds and twine.
Holmes Tree Farm, 193 Whitten Road, 207-985-3778
We’ve included Holmes Tree Farm because it offers choose and cut your own Christmas trees, naturally. Those trees cost $70 each. Most trees are balsam fir.
However, if you’re not up for cutting down your own tree, the farm also sells pre-cut trees, ready to load on your vehicle’s roof. Prices vary based on size.
Holmes Tree Farm opens for the season the day after Thanksgiving aka Black Friday and stays open through Christmas Eve. However, they are closed on Mondays. Otherwise, hours are 9 am to 4 pm.
In addition to getting your Christmas tree, you can shop in their country store, enjoy hot cider by the fire and, on special days, visit with Santa and take pictures.
North Berwick, Maine Christmas tree farm
Great Works Tree Farm, 392 Oak Woods Road
There are two ways to choose and cut your own Christmas tree at Great Works Tree Farm. One, you can join as a member and prebook the date when you’ll visit to get your tree — you still have to cut it down, even with a reservation.
Or, two, you can try your luck on one of the “open” Friday, Saturday or Sunday in December. That is, by December 17 last year, there were very few trees left to cut and take with you at the farm.
Membership costs $30 and gets you a guaranteed spot at the farm for five years. Prices per tree (regardless of membership) vary based on size and quality of the tree. Last year they ranged from $40 to $150.
Farm hours are Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 1 pm to 4 pm on Thanksgiving weekend and the first three weekends of December only. Note: Thanksgiving weekend dates usually sell out first to members.
Finally, the farm says it grows Fraser, Balsam and Concolor firs up to 11 feet tall.
North Yarmouth, Maine Christmas tree farm
Hanscome’s Christmas Tree Farm, 194 Mountfort Road, 207-831-2311
Traditionally, Hanscome’s Christmas Tree Farm opens on Thanksgiving Day for people to come choose and cut their own Christmas trees. Then, they stay open until Christmas Eve for shoppers — or until the available trees are all gone.
Keep in mind that like many Christmas tree farms, Hanscome’s only allows certain size trees to be cut each holiday season. So, that’s why last year, they closed for the season on December 4. That was when there were no more eligible trees for customers to choose. The farm wanted to allow the “younger” trees time to grow for future seasons.
Finally, during the season, the farm is open weekdays 10 am to 4 pm, and weekends 8 am to 4 pm.
Raymond, Maine Christmas tree farm
Balsam Ridge, 140 Egypt Road, 207-655-4474
In this article about the Maine Maple Fall Fest, we wrote about how visitors could preview the Christmas tree farm at Balsam Ridge. Well, come November 18, the farm is open for real for the season.
From that day forward, Balsam Ridge is open for choosing and cutting trees weekdays 10 am to 4 pm, and weekends 9 am to 4 pm. The only exception? The farm is closed on Thanksgiving Day.
Balsam Ridge sells the following tree varieties:
- Balsam
- Fraser
- Balsam/Fraser Fir Hybrid
While the farm provides saws, tree carts and wrapping of trees for transport, they strongly recommend that you bring your own saw (handsaw, no chainsaws allowed) to avoid a wait. Also, you must be able to secure your tree to your vehicle. Unfortunately, they cannot help.
Finally, Balsam Ridge has a gift shop complete with maple products, wreaths and other goodies that make for the perfect holiday presents.
Scarborough Christmas tree farm
Beech Ridge Farm, 193 Beech Ridge Road, 207-289-7200
Last year, Beech Ridge Farm opened the day after Thanksgiving, and was sold out of its Balsam fir Christmas trees by two days later. So, if you’re committed to getting your tree there this year, make it a priority to get there when they open at 9:30 am.
Standish Christmas tree farm
Watson Farm Christmas Trees, 918 Richville Road, 207-576-5076
Last year, the Watson Farm Christmas Trees in Standish opened the week before Thanksgiving. However, they had paused your ability to choose and cut your own tree, because their trees needed more time to grow. No word if that will be the same story for this year. Nonetheless, they did offer already cut trees for purchase.
Finally, the farm had posted on Facebook that they were planting saplings in 2023 for trees they expect to harvest in 2030. That’s how long it takes to grow a great Christmas tree.
Wells, Maine Christmas tree farm
Bragdon Tree Farm, 1389 Bragdon Road, 207-251-3152
Typically, Bragdon Tree Farm opens for the season the day after Thanksgiving or Black Friday. So, for 2023 that would be Friday, November 24th.
You can visit to choose and cut down your Christmas tree on Fridays and Saturdays only, from 9 am to 4 pm. The farm provides free netting for loading the tree onto your car’s roof — and free candy canes for the kids.
Last year trees cost $70 each. No word on if prices have increased for this year.
Finally, Bragdon grows balsam and canaan fir trees. They also sell homemade wreaths.
West Newfield, Maine Christmas tree farm
Bond Mountain Acres, 174 Bond Spring Road, 207-793-4658
Usually, Bond Mountain Acres opens the weekend after Thanksgiving and then stays open Thursday through Sunday for tree cutting. That all starts at 10 am. The farm grows balsam firs.
Windham, Maine Christmas tree farms
Merry Christmas Trees, 47 Brackett Farm Lane, 207-318-2012
The Merry Christmas Trees farm in Windham offers 20 acres of balsam fir trees that you can choose and cut. Last year the farm opened the Saturday after Thanksgiving (Small Business Saturday), and by December 4, had sold out of trees. It was the same the year before, too — sell out by December 4.
Staples Tree Farm, Christmas Tree Way and Webb Road, 207-893-1147
Staples Tree Farm in Windham opens on November 24, 2023, for the holiday season, at 8 am. The farm closes at 4 pm. There, you can choose and cut balsam fir and Fraser fir trees.
Source: Maine Christmas Tree Association
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Thanks for the resource
Another wonderful Tree Farm right on Rt. 5 with an amzing view of the surrounding mountains, Sokokis Lake and Mr. Washington too!
Blizzard Hill Christmas Tree Farm | Limerick ME